Surge - Discovered in San Diego, walking stark naked out of the Pacific Ocean, the strange blue man with glowing red eyes was quickly taken into protective custody and experimented on. With abilities beyond normal hums, Surge can lift 1 ton, can move at speeds that make him seem like a blur, has bone spurs that protrude from his arms that he uses both defensively and offensively, and has been trained by the US military in a variety of physical hand-to-hand combat forms. Surge is unsure of his past and has strange memories of being in a comic book series.

Snow Whitney - Professional car thief, exotic dancer, and vixen. Smokes too many cigarettes.

The Artist - Not much is known about The Artist who copyrighted and trademarked Surge's name and likeness, but with the strange and random events that keep happening in Surge's life it is believed he is responsible.

Hitler Jr. - The great-grand-niece of Adolph Hitler suffers from a multitude of mental health disorders and has even shown as much by stapling her own dead ancestor's face over her own as a badge of honor. She is known to be able to teleport and control the undead.

Black Cheetah - Nearing retirement age, Black Cheetah was in severe debt and the police officer sold himself out to Hitler Jr and Pierce Charming in an insurance and election fraud scheme that led to his own murder.

Pierce Charming - Mayoral candidate and leader of the racist organization, The Klan, Pierce has a mysterious history with Snow and a working relationship with Zeus, the chief of police of Grimm, Indiana. When Pierce was last scene he had returned from the dead as one of Hitler Jr's zombies.

The Bard - Little is known about the foul-smelling, guitar-playing, dirty hippy who wanders Grimm panhandling for spare change and a chance to sing his songs of history.

Chris Rook - An ex-lover of Snow Whitney's, Chris was killed with a telephone pole through the abdomen during the battle that took place in Grimm between God and The Devil.

Posedieon - The Greek deity Posedieon is the father of Surge and was believed to have been dead but has recently made himself known to Zeus.

Zeus - The crooked police chief of Grimm, Indiana. 

Hansel and Grettal - Two fairytales brought to life and turned into zombies by Hitler Jr.

Hades - The ruler of the underworld.

The Super Justice Revengers - The government's own sanctioned superhero team formed to battle threats the military is not equipped to. Members include The Faceless Man, Chihuahua Boy, Half-Pint, and others.